The conditions endured by the children in Gaza as reported in news articles have repeatedly shocked me, whilst their experiences have allowed me to reflect on how children live here in Tasmania. As can be imagined, works relating to the situation in Gaza are more conceptually challenging. Although the poetic use of materials to develop sculptural forms remains the primary consideration, these works contain a latent political dimension that reference the inherent injustices. My intention is that these works ultimately express hope for an improvement in the situation for the children of Gaza.
Contrasting with my remoteness from the situation in Gaza, the artworks informed by parental experience are inspired by actually seeing my daughter Louisa’s creative play. In particular I have been fascinated by the way she reinterprets objects I have made for her – an experience providing me with new unconventional insights.
Four artworks were exhibited: Peacemaker, Unbalanced, Big Wheels and Castle. These were auctioned with money raised being donated to the Gaza Children Cinema.